AICUF or the All India Catholic University Federation is the official Catholic student movement in India. Founded in 1924, it aims to enable students to develop a critical awareness, to investigate social injustice and cultivate a genuine concern for the oppressed. Students are motivated to become involved in research and activities linked to broad social issues and struggles. They are encouraged to evolve spiritually, through reflection and involvement, as well as to become critical forces in the college and in the wider community. AICUF at Loreto College, Kolkata, works in coordination with the St. Xavier’s College Unit. AICUF members organize and participate in seminars, workshops, rural uplift camps & projects, as well as works of compassion for the physically, socially and economically challenged.


Sally Mondal


Priti Maria Kujur

State Team Member:

Zarah Berta Gonsalves


Lesley Danielle Pote

Staff Advisors:

Sr. Christine Coutinho, Mrs. Ingrid Rozario
